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But don't you -- given that they are "thinking like an economist" -- want to know WHAT they are thinking too?

In other words, can't you still learn from them?

My focus is to both to teach them a way of reasoning and to learn how they reason. I also learn from them when they provide an argument that challenges my own, as that might sharpen my skills but more importantly I learn by recognizing my own failures (and successes) in teaching them the material.

Right, and when they " provide an argument that challenges [your] own" then you learn WHAT they think! :)

So, it isn't right to say that you lost interest and don't care what they think - though it may be enjoyable to shock people by saying that.

To think like an economist is something that many economists with PHD's here in my university don't do. Only about 30% of the faculty is composed by real economists, the ones that understand price theory.

Are there books that elucidate the "economic way of thinking" that you'd recommend to the general reader?

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