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It probably goes without saying that maintaining an artificially low speed limit gives the police an opportunity to pull anybody over anytime they want.

Heck, they could probably even pull you over for obeying the speed limit by claiming it was suspicious. Only criminals with something the hide would obey the speed limit in fear of being pulled over!

Probably a good source of revenue too.

I think Malachi makes a good point, that artificially low speed limits give the state the opportunity to pull over anyone anytime. In fact randomized traffic checks have served a more effective means of tracking down fugitives than has the dismal effort of state sponsored investigations.

"that maintaining an artificially low speed limit gives the police an opportunity to pull anybody over anytime they want"

Correct. But isn't it speculative to suppose that legislatures are devious enough to have designed it that way?

I am under the impression it is the environmentalist lobby that has us chained.

Considering the advances in auto engineering since the interstate roads were designed in the 1950's, we should be driving at about 90 MPH with less risk than our parents did at 55 MPH.

To many people, 80 MPH may seem fast, but that is because they are not used to it, even though it is well under their car's performance envelope.

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