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It might be a no-brainer for this crowd but one thing required for keeping interest alive is to delay, as much as possible, any calculus, and in general all the mathematical apparatus required by econometrics and the cybernetic models. There's nothing like a differential equation to curb enthusiasm. :-(

John Stossel and Frederic Bastiat. They are great supplements to a principles course and I know for certain that they keep students interested.

I'm a finishing econ undergrad myself and countless numbers of people have asked me about "that Stossel guy I watched in high school econ" and many remember the principles involved.

Here is a view from the trenches. Current events presented in a public choice framework seem to excite many of my students. I use your text in a survey course in a local community college and I find that there is intense interest in the public choice sections, particularly the chapter on government and markets. About half of my students are recently graduated from high school, and some become immediately engaged because they never heard this stuff in their Government classes. The rest are older students holding down jobs. Many of these suspected all along there was more to government than what they’ve read in the newspapers, so they too are intrigued when they see some of their impressions confirmed in a more rigorous and methodical way. I use some material from F. McChesney’s “Money for Nothing.” Most students who take survey or principles don’t major in economics but still need critical thinking skills, particularly when it comes to understanding government. Jonathan Sleeper

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